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Price per 8 oz. Bottle: $18.95

Package Price 3 x 8oz. Bottles $57

Package Price 4 x 8oz. Bottles $67

Package Price 5 x 8oz. Bottles $77

Premium Sterling Waterbed Conditioner

All in one waterbed fresh formula

Waterbed solution conditions water, controls odor and reduces air bubbles.

Time released formula lasts 1 year in free flow mattresses, 8-10 months in semi-motionless mattresses, 6 months in fully motionless fiber filled mattress.

Multiple bottle discount on 3,4,5 packs

Best Sleep Ever

Waterbed Trends supplies complete waterbeds, waterbed parts and supplies, We ship to all Canadian provinces. Our online catalogue of waterbed products  includes everything you need for your waterbed including:  complete waterbeds and component parts, waterbed accessories, waterbed heaters, waterbed replacement mattresses and water bed linens.

Fast, friendly down-to-earth customer service, we’ll make your purchase with us a fast, simple and secure online shopping experience!